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Six Bricks USA

Classroom Antics Education &
Six Bricks USA

Classroom Antics Education is a non-profit that was founded to bring learning to students of all ages in an interactive, hands-on, fun and inspiring way. Consistent with Classroom Antics programs, the non-profit, Classroom Antics Education, will have a greater reach.


Classroom Antics Education was formed to bring Six Bricks learning from overseas to the United States of America in a meaningful and impactful way. We will establish Six Bricks USA to further the mission of the original Six Bricks in a way that reaches both those that can and those that can’t afford to pay for its training and supplies. This non-profit may grow in the future to incorporate other educational endeavors.

Classroom Antics Education Partnerships

Care for Education is a non-profit started by Brent Hutcheson, the founder of Six Bricks. In the meetings leading up to the formation of Classroom Antics Education, Brent and Sheri Niedermyer, founder of Classroom Antics Education, agreed that the time was right to bring Six Bricks training to the United States. Six Bricks has been successfully implemented in the founding country of South Africa as well as other countries in Africa, Europe and Asia. There are some teachers in the US that have trained with overseas trainers to bring Six Bricks to their classrooms, but until we came on board, there were no Six Bricks trainers here in the United States. That is about to change! 


Classroom Antics Education seeks to become a Continuing Education Unit (CEU) provider in the content area of Six Bricks for teachers in Ohio, the tri-state area including Pennsylvania and West Virginia, then on to other states until all 50 states have been impacted by Six Bricks USA. We will accomplish this through measured steps, as advised by Care for Education and the board of directors of Classroom Antics Education. Our vision is to provide teacher training at education conferences and at local school districts, which will certify teachers to use the Six Bricks materials in a way that enhances learning and redeems lost time in the classroom. We will also offer team building opportunities to businesses or other gatherings using Six Bricks activities and materials.


The LEGO Foundation has already contributed over 2000 sets of Six Bricks to help Classroom Antics Education get started! Their partnership as we get started has been a great encouragement!

Contact Us 800-595-3776 X1