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2025 SUMMER CAMPS Registration opens Black Friday, November 29th!
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How to Change Speed in GameMaker

How to Change Speed in GameMaker 8.1

In our Video Game Design Camp, we teach kids 9-13 years old how to make video games using the GameMaker software from YoYo Games. This short video shows one of the tricks we teach kids in summer camp. How to Change Speed in GameMaker during gameplay.


Using Variables in GameMaker


When changing the speed in GameMaker you use variables. Some of the variables in GameMaker are “pre-defined.” This means they already existed when we started programming our video game. Consequently, all you need to do is adjust those values to make your game act differently.


The speed variable is a pre-defined variable. So, you don’t need to create the variable at the beginning of the game. However, you can change the variable anytime you want. In this video, we set the variable to make our Game Maker object (the basketball) move an initial speed. Then, we program a KeyPress event to increase and decrease the speed of the object.


Using Debug Mode in video game design allows us to monitor variables. The speed variable is <objectname>.speed, and as you can see in the video, the speed variable changes as we press up and down as the basketball object moves on the screen.


Want to Learn More Than How to Change Speed in GameMaker?


Consider attending one of our summer technology camps. With camps all over Ohio and Michigan. Our weeklong camps teach kids 7-13 years old how to design video games, build robots with LEGO, produce stop-motion brickfilm movies, and write computer programs.


Video Game Design Camp is a fantastic opportunity for children to learn computer programming, yet they are not working. Kids have fun with old-friends and new-friends making video games and playing each other’s video games. Summer camp is indoors, allowing kids to cool off from the hot summer sun and exercise their brains.

